A downloadable game for Windows

This is the first game I ever made.  My Computer Science degree started with 'Coding Bootcamp',  an intense two week crash course on how to code using Java and an IDE called 'Processing'. We had to create a game during these two weeks, with the final day being a large demo session where we would all present our games to our lecturers and peers.

I couldn't think of a better way to start a CompSci degree, 'Coding Bootcamp' really inspired me to try and make something I felt was really special. The concept of a juggling game set to music came to me quickly and I put in a lot of work to get the overall feel and timing of the game right. The evening before the demo day was spent feverishly finishing the code and drawing up the visual assets, i even managed to code the hands to rotate as a final touch.

On the demo day itself I made sure to get set up on one of the projectors, I couldn't help but be very proud of what I had created and wanted to see what reactions my game would get. Feedback was immensely positive and this game will always be one of my favourites.

How to Play

Move the mouse to move the paddle, keep all the balls in the air until the end of the song.


Music: www.bensound.com


JugglinBalls.zip 8.5 MB

Install instructions

Make sure you have the Java Runtime Environment installed: https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp

Download the zip, extract and run the executable.

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